Tag Archives: humor

Sensory language

The boys are going out to run errands with Dad.  When they get in the car, they both turn around and get out.

B — Eeew!  it stinks in there!

R — It smells putrid!

Your wish is my command

Mom — B, would you please put away the trains?

B — Okey dokey.  If you say so… I would do anything for you, Mom!


R — Mom!!!  There’s an earwig in here!  (Then, after the bug has been removed,)  It was in my shoe.  Do you think he has family in there?

Look before you leap

R, talking to B at the table — …first you date them to find out if you like them, and then you get married.  That’s why Dad and Mom were dating before they got married.

B –Yeah.  They dated when they met.

R — Dad, why did you date Mom?  Did you think she was pretty?

Dad — I liked her.

R — So you wanted to date her for a few weeks before you got married?

Mom — We dated for five years.

R — Five years?!  You wanted to be sure?

Slip n slide

I have asked R to walk on my back to massage it.

R — If your back weren’t so chubby I wouldn’t keep slipping off it…

You say “potato”…

The boys are getting out of the bathtub.

Mom — B, Hold on to that handle when you step out!  If you fell, you would really hurt your crotch.

B — What’s my  “crouch”?

Mom – Your crotch.  The part of your body between your legs.

B — Why didn’t you just say my testicles?

True romantic

R, after hugging Mom goodnight – You are just a bucket of hearts, Mom!

Retirement planning

R — Mom, does everybody have to have a job?

Mom — Most everyone.  Most people need to work so they can have money to buy food and gas and stuff.

R — Does anyone live normally?

Mom — What do you mean?

R — Well, do any people live at home normally and not have jobs?

Mom — Some people.

R — I think when I grow up I just want to live normally.  I’ll live with you and we can share your money.

Double, double, toil and trouble

Dad is playing Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance” in the car.

R — This song is about how she lost her phone and her keys.

Mom — The whole song?

R — Well, she’s talking about how she lost those things.  If you lose your phone, you lose everything!

Mom — I would be in trouble if I lost my purse.

R — Why?

Mom — Because it’s where I keep all of my things.  My money, my phone, and my keys.  I’d be in trouble if I lost it!

R — You mean it’s the law?

Mom — What?  No.  I mean I would have a hard time without it and all my stuff in it.

R — Oh.  You mean another kind of trouble, not the kind you get punished for.


Non sequitur

In the car.  The boys are eating ice cream cones from McDonald’s.

B — I almost ate the paper on the bottom of the cone!

R — Me, too!

B — I ate it one time, remember?

R — You did?

B — Yes.  But I spit most of it out.  I swallowed some of it, though.

Mom — Gross.  Like a goat!  Goats eat all kinds of garbage.

B — I know.

R — A goat would probably eat all the paper on the cone.

B — Yeah.  Mom, if I were a goat, I would eat Santa for dinner.