Tag Archives: motherhood

Groooovy, baby!

B brought this one home from school.

Greek mythology

R’s illustration of Zeus:

Getting to know you

R’s tribute to Dad (a fill-in-the-blank sheet he was given at church):

Ancient history

R — Mom, what was your favorite thing to play when you were little?

Mom — Hmmm… I’m not sure.

R — Well, did you like to play with remote control cars and trains, like me and B?

Mom — I didn’t really play with a lot of remote control toys.

R — Why not?  Electricity hadn’t been invented yet?

Weight control

B — Dad, how much do you weigh?

Dad — About 170 lbs.

B — Is that about the same as what a car weighs?

You are all the present I need

B’s inventive spelling doesn’t take away from his sweet message.

Everyone’s a critic

I am listening to music while ironing when one of the dogs growls, out of nowhere.

Mom — Oh, relax, dog!

B — Why did you tell him to relax?

Mom — Because he growled.  Didn’t you hear him?

B — Yes.  Why did he growl?

Mom — I don’t know.

B — Maybe he doesn’t like the music.

Fill in the blank

From R’s school writing journal:

Interpretive lens

The boys made treats to share with their classmates.

Here is Mom’s sample cookie:


Here are samples of R & B’s product:


From B’s school writing journal: